Summer is here

Hi again - it has been a long time since the last post as there are electric fences around our house that are slowing down the internet which is making it tricky to upload photos but we're going to give it another go now and hope for the best.
Looking forward to Christmas - father christmas is coming to the creche this week so will be interesting to see how we feel about the big man in red. I am talking lots now - I can count to ten and my favourite things to say are bye bye cow, moo, bye bye sheep, baa and lots of other animal noises as well. Sometimes when we leave the house i say bye to the flies as well (i call them plys). I can now climb up out of my cot which my mother doesn't seem too impressed with for some reason and i also go for big walks with Herbie around the paddocks - the other day he took me to the dog kennels which was exciting but of course Mamma had to show up and spoil our fun. Looking forward to getting into those rock pools down at the beach this summer and meeting my new cousin Kaj.