
Friday, June 01, 2007

Winter already

Hi again - here I am on my visit to wellington about three weeks ago, and earlier in about march at home going for a walk with herbie. Wellington was good fun and i enjoyed visiting lots of people and kept up with the pace well. I can now sing twinkle twinkle little star all the way through, count to ten, tell mamma if she is driving well or if she is a good girl, have a screaming tanty if i don't have the right cup, ask mamma when i want things (especially biscuits) and read along with mamma to most of my books, and sing along to some ads on tv.
Everything around me is mine - my book, my bed, my car, my fridge - and it goes on...
Bob the Builder and Maisy are top of the list in tv entertainment and favourite physical activities are chasing games, running down the paddocks (not up though, that's where mamma comes in with the backpack), playgrounds, and if they're around, the all time favourite, trampolines.
Because of the drought the sheep have been getting fed nuts and follow us around on walks - I have discovered the power of running amongst them shouting "go away"! It is very satisfying to see them scatter.